Thursday, November 27, 2014

Alexandrina Results for 26 November 2014


And the hand record:

And since it is half way through our playing year (start of June to end of May) here is the current ladder for the Margret W Cup:

I hope things are pleasant in Tasmania.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hills Results for 24 November 2014


And the hand records:

Next week is play first then Christmas Lunch at the Golf Club. 

Yes, I am a bit slow but here is the Club Ladder for the period since the last Christmas Lunch:

Your partnership needed to have played 10 times to make this list.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Hills Results for 17 November 2014


Hand Record:

See you next Monday!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Alexandrina Results for 12 November 2014


Hand record:

Hills Results for 10 November 2014


And the Hand Record:

Give me some feedback on this original size hand record. I only ever look at this blog using a 24" monitor, but if you're looking at it on a mobile phone it might be useless.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Internet Down and Alexandrina Results for 29 October 2014

Sorry folks, since about 9am Tuesday 28 October, my telephone land line has been non operational. Telstra is blaming the NBN cable layers.

Hope to be back by the end of Tuesday 4 November.

Later (Wednesday, 5 November, late):
Apparently the NBN cable layers disturbed the existing phone lines such that all six units at my address lost their lines. The other five had their lines restored on Wednesday 29 October but my wires had not been correctly identified. A Telstra gentleman called while I was in the shower on Tuesday and installed a signalling device on one of my telephone outlets so the correct wires could be identified.

Everything is now back to normal.

Here are the results for Alexandrina on 29 October 2014:

And the hand record: