Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Alexandrina Results for 27 September 2017


Hand record:

Hills Results for 25 September 2017

Because I took my eye off the ball for a minute we had a misdistibution of boards resulting in two E-W partnerships, Pairs 11 and 12, playing 1 set of boards each twice.
So because the scoring program cannot abide a partnership playing a board twice I have substituted Brds 25-27 for 10-12 for Pair 12v4 and Brds 28-30 for 13-15 for Pair 11v10. Note that for both Pairs 11 and 12 the second playing was in N-S. The net result of isolating the hands is an averaged score.

So here is the result:

Hand record:

If we ever do a Hesitation Mitchell Movement again I will make sure we have something better than my head to guide us.