Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Alexandrina Results for 28 February 2018


Hand record:

The cake was not a celebration of anyone's birth anniversary: it was a present to your blogger from four ladies he had helped start playing Bridge. It was made by Walkerville Produce which was  a Walkerville shop but is now single person home business aimed mainly at the Christmas season. If you want more info make a comment.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Hills Results for 26 February 2018


Hand record:

The Annual Meeting was held and here is an extract of the yet to me approved minutes (skewed formatting is due to your blogger's laziness) :

4. President’s Report:  (Leonie V)
           During the past year I have seen many changes to the Club. We have                     welcomed many new players which is very encouraging as I feel there is             a very friendly and happy atmosphere here. I would like to thank Jenny,             Chris, Marian and particularly Norman for their work.
5. Secretary’s Report: (Jenny)
            A reiteration of past agreements should be included in the Minutes each             year for the benefit of new players and a reminder for all. Such matters             include: E/W players are responsible for the movement of cards, and for                             checking scores. N/W players are responsible for scoring and                    general maintenance of the table.
                            There will generally be a sit-out for E/W if there is an even                                     number of tables, and a sit-out for N/S if there is an odd                                        number of tables.          
6. Treasurer’s Report:  (Chris)
            Chris provided a summary and distributed it to everyone prior to the             meeting. She also provided a brief outline of the Club’s history. (see                                  attached sheet)
7. Other Business:
            1. “That a secret ballot occurs when a decision is considered of                                    importance.” Carried strongly.
8. Any Other Business:
            1. The Noise Factor: Leonie asked the members about the direction that                         could be taken, but there was no strong consensus except to say                         that we need to be more aware of others.
            2. Jim said that there was an open invitation to all to participate in                                  bridge discussions on Mondays after our bridge play.
            3. It was agreed that if we as a club find ourselves in a shortfall, then the                 committee has approval to place a one-off levy on all members. The       amount will be determined at this time.
            4. Members are reminded that any problems re the Golf Club are to be              submitted through the Committee, not by individuals. Leonie will                        ask that there be a sign instructing people not to block the bridge.
9. Election of Officers:         President: Leonie (Val/Glenys)   
                                                    Secretary: Jenny   (Marian/Leigh)
                                                    Treasurer:  Chris   (Lauren/Glenys)

Jenny Z

and finally:


Friday, February 23, 2018

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018

Hills Results for 5 February 2018


Hand record:

Standby for a change in result presentation.