Monday, January 20, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 15 January 2020

Six and a half tables using Mitchell movement for 7 tables so 7 rounds of 4 boards with an E-W sit out.


Hand record:

You might start getting a bit more when your blogger stops having unfortunate incidents.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 8 January 2020

Welcome to 2020: Good Health and stay safe.

Seven and a half tables and we used the Hesitation Mitchell movement.


Hand record:

Alexandrina REsults for 18 December 2019

Welcome to 2020. I did not realise that I went totally offline before Christmas so sorry about that (as we used to say in the 1960 decade) but there were. and continue to be, a lot of other things taking up my attention. Anyway ...

We had a (venue rental) cost reduced Christmas celebration in which there was a single door prize won by Leigh who had a choice Christmas fare or Wine and he took the wine.


Hand record:
