Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 2 September 2020

Firstly South Australian Bridge Association will be reopening their satellite venue at Mount Barker on the Monday 14th of September at a new time of 1:30.

Latest Results:

Hand record:



Alexandrina Results for 26 August 2020 AND 2020 Annual General Meeting Outcomes

 The Annual General Meeting of Alexandrina Contract Bridge Club had been due on the last Wednesday in April but Covid-19 got in the way. It has now been held. The significant motions passed by the meeting are subscriptions for 2020 will be $20 ($10 for members with ABF registration with other clubs) and table fees will be $10 until the club has acquired electronic scoring (Bridgemates) after which they will revert to $5 for members. Club office holders for 2020 are John E as President, Pat E as Secretary, Norman B as Treasurer; Management Committee members are Garry S, Helen C, Malcolm T and Shirley H. 

And we also played Bridge with these results:


And the hand record:

The end.