Another six full tables and a decision to play on 29 December.
Hand record:
Keeping track of what's happening at Alexandrina Contract Bridge Club in Strathalbyn.
Six tables in a Mitchell bye-stand. And apparently playing on 29 December is still an open question. We will see what happens next week when it's a Celebrate Christmas session,
Hand record:
Not sure what happens next.
Before play we agreed that we WOULD NOT PLAY ON THE 29TH so last session of 2021 will be on the 22nd.
Six full tables (with George's assistance) in a Mitchell bye stand movement.
Hand record:
Back to normal Club generated deal files. Five and a half tables so the now usual 4 board sit out.
Scorer made a mistake when he said at the start of play that it was E-W's turn to be the sit out. But no one ever reads down this far so who is going to know? Next time we need a sit out, Scorer will draw the room's attention the error.