Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 11 November 2020

Something, something, something Dark Side.

Scorer has still not worked out how to get the Five and a Half Table Switching Rover movement out of or into ScoreBridge so once again it is a Howell Eight Rounds of Three Boards which offends Scorer's sense of order.


 Hand record:

Table Fees: we have now reverted to our Normal Table Fee of $5 paid at the table at start of play. The $10 Table Fee applying to September and October combined with the successful Alexandrina Council Grant application raised enough to buy 10 Bridgemates. We await payment of the Council's  Covid Reactivation Grant to make the actual purchase.

New Venue Photo:


Old venue, last view:


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 4 November 2020

 First session at Strathalbyn Neighbourhood Centre.

And another 8 rounds of 3 boards Howell movement for 5 and a half tables.


Hand record:

Interior photo next week: too many things happening this week to think of a photo. And besides, the permanent table arrangement is probably going to be different.


Monday, November 2, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 28 October 2020

Before play and following a short briefing, the players present agreed with  the Management Committee's decision to change our playing venue from the Long room to the Strathalbyn Neighbourhood Centre at 6 Parker Avenue. There were three dissenters.

With five and a half tables we would have liked to use a switching rover movement but the Scorer has not been able work out how to get his scoring program to instruct the Bridgemates system to handle it. So we use a Howell movement with 8 Rounds of 3 Boards for 6 Tables.


And the hand record:

Monday, October 26, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 21 October 2020

A possible change of venue in the offing: see the pictures of an alternate venue after the hand record.

A Five Table Mitchell this day. The results:

Hand record:

Interior photos of the refurbished newly named Neighbourhood Centre:


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 14 October 2020

 Another 6 Table Mitchell Bye-Stand session. The Scorer has made the decision to continue using ScoreBridge.

This week's result:

Hand record:


Alexandrina Results for 7 October 2020

Another 6 Table Mitchell By-stand movement.


Hand record:


Alexandrina Results for 30 September 2020

 Once again, a Mitchell movement of 5 rounds of 5 boards, using Bridgemates with scoring program ScoreBridge.


Hand record:

Start of day room:

and after after finish of play:


Alexandrina Results for 23 September 2020

 Today another 6 table Mitchell By-stand now running Scorebridge as the scoring program. 


Hand record:

Start of day room:

And this is what it ended setup looking like:

Alexandrina Results for 16 September 2020

 This day we used Bridgemates for the first time. With the reduced numbers attending South Australian Bridge Association (rebranding as SA Bridge Assoc) main and satellite sessions, the Blogger received a favourable response when he asked if Alexandrina Club might hire 10 Bridgemates while we raised the money to buy our own. So we are paying SA Bridge Assoc 1$ per session per Bridgemate until we either we have our own or they need them back. So the ill wind of COVID-19 has blown a little bit of good.

We have been able to afford our own Bridgemate Server and we will see what the future holds.

Results from Compscore2 scoring program in common use across Australia:

The Scorer found Compscore2 a bit clunky and decided that he would try the scoring program he had found comfortable when he took over scoring at the Hills Bridge Club in Mount Barker a decade ago. This is how we usually see the result:

The hand record:

Sometimes when the First Person To Arrive gets to the venue she/he finds the room has not used since the previous Wednesday and there is no requirement to move tables or chairs. But mostly the room gets used between Wednesday's and the following picture is typical:

Alexandrina Results for 9 September 2020

 This day, with all 26 returning players available we used a Hesitation Mitchell 7 table 8 rounds of 3 boards movement. Everyone gets lumped in together but a good time was had by all. So if you are sitting at home wondering what you can do on Wednesday afternoon ...



This is the hand record.



Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 2 September 2020

Firstly South Australian Bridge Association will be reopening their satellite venue at Mount Barker on the Monday 14th of September at a new time of 1:30.

Latest Results:

Hand record:



Alexandrina Results for 26 August 2020 AND 2020 Annual General Meeting Outcomes

 The Annual General Meeting of Alexandrina Contract Bridge Club had been due on the last Wednesday in April but Covid-19 got in the way. It has now been held. The significant motions passed by the meeting are subscriptions for 2020 will be $20 ($10 for members with ABF registration with other clubs) and table fees will be $10 until the club has acquired electronic scoring (Bridgemates) after which they will revert to $5 for members. Club office holders for 2020 are John E as President, Pat E as Secretary, Norman B as Treasurer; Management Committee members are Garry S, Helen C, Malcolm T and Shirley H. 

And we also played Bridge with these results:


And the hand record:

The end.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Alexandrina Results for 19 August 2020

Six tables again



And the hand record:


Alexandrina Results for 12 August 2020

This day, six tables so a Mitchell By-stand session of 6 rounds of 4 boards.


Hand record:



We're Back: Alexandrina Results for 5 August 2020

Our Club Secretary got off his backside and jumped through a few government hoops to produce a COVID-Safe plan (receipt number 8498199) which, as long as we all follow it, will allow us to return to playing as a club again. AS LONG AS WE FOLLOW THE PLAN. Basically, only come when you know you are healthy, social distancing away from the table, no shared food or drink, sanitised handling of shared objects. And looks like that will be the situation for a long, long time so we need to get used to it.

For our COVID era we started with 5 tables playing 5 boards for 5 rounds.


And the hand record:


Monday, March 16, 2020

Alexandrina IMPORTANT MESSAGE 16 March 2020

The following images are from web sites and there are no active links on the images.

Today the largest Contract Bridge Club in South Australia decided to follow a recommendation by the Australian Bridge Federation as per this image:

SABA provided the following information on its website:

And this is what we are talking about:

When I started doing this about 3 hours ago I was expecting to be playing on Wednesday, but today there has been a sudden increase in the reported Covid-19 infections in South Australia.

I think it is now time to be cautious and so we will go with the ABF recommendation.

Alexandrina Results for 11 March 2020

A Howell (hear the howl) movement for four and a half tables (eight rounds of three boards).


Hand record

end and caught up.

Alexandrina Results for 4 March 20202

Prior to play we had a Management Committee meeting which provided these three significant  motions:
  1. Starting on April Fool's Day we invite all players to bring their favourite sweet or savoury biscuit for donation to the month's afternoon tea. Marie will manage the donations (along with the usual tea/coffee, sweetener and milk).

    2. The Management Committee will be recommending to the AGM (being held on 13 May) that there be a subscription of $20 for all home club members (part but not all Bridge Federations capitation fees).

    3. The Management Committee will be recommending to the AGM that table fees be increased by $5 to go into a particular fund for the acquisition of sufficient Bridgemates and controller.


Another Mitchell movement for six and a half tables, this time with a four board sit-out for EW.


Hand record:


Alexandrina Results for 26 February 2020

Mitchell movement for six and a half tables with a four-board (ugh) sitout for NS.


Hand record:

Blogger's leg:

At this point Blogger has been sitting on his arse for seven weeks.